Almodóvar Shorts Double Feature: 
Strange Way of Life & The Human Voice

Showtimes October 6 - 12:

Riding into the border town of Bitter Creek, gunslinger Silva (Pedro Pascal) is hoping to rekindle a romance with the gruff sheriff Jake (Ethan Hawke) after a 25-year absence. Reminiscing about their youthful, lust-filled days as guns for hire in Mexico, the two quickly fall back into bed. But Silva has ulterior motives — he’s got a favor to ask an old friend. Pedro Almodóvar’s alluring, English-language Western, shot in southern Spain in the same village built for Sergio Leone’s Man with No Name trilogy, sizzles with desire, star power and style. Official Selection, Cannes Film Festival 2023.  (Dir. by Pedro Almodóvar, 2023, Spain/France, in English, 31 mins., Rated R)

Tilda Swinton commands the screen as a woman haunted by the end of a relationship in Pedro Almodóvar’s first English-language film. In 30 mesmerizing minutes, Swinton’s nameless character runs through a frightening gamut of emotions, from despair to fury to exhilaration, all while isolated in a luxurious apartment that’s also a stage set; her only companions are her ex-lover’s dog, Dash, and the betrayer’s unheard presence on the other end of her phone.   Almodóvar’s wonderfully unique short film is an impeccably designed yet combustible adaptation of Jean Cocteau’s 1930 play, The Human Voice.  (Dir. by Pedro Almodóvar, 2020, Spain, in English, 30 min., Rated R)

Both shorts will be followed by a recorded interview with director Pedro Almodóvar.

Total program running time: 91 mins.